
Secret Tips for Creating a Powerful LinkedIn Profile

If you want success on LinkedIn, always keep your LinkedIn Profile current, update it as and when required. It is your professional landing page that helps you build your social brand. A Powerful LinkedIn Profile is the gateway to LinkedIn success!  Powerful LinkedIn Profile

Recruiters, head hunters and companies who need to hire professionals with certain skills and education use LinkedIn as a search tool. A fully customized and active profile can significantly increase the chances of your LinkedIn Profile appearing in their search.

An updated profile which showcases all your professional experiences and achievements gets you noticed. It helps in building further connections and creates traction with the right people at the right time.

Following tips can help you create a great LinkedIn Profile.

Update your Profile Picture and Background:

Your profile’s credibility gets further enhanced with a professional profile picture. A professionally done picture can make you stand out. Adding a background to your picture will provide a personalized element to your profile. It has been observed that LinkedIn users who add a good profile picture get 21 times more profile views. Changing your cover banner on regular basis keeps your viewers more interested in knowing about your creative change.  Use this space wisely, since it works as your unique bill board, and its free too!!

Make an Impressive and Searchable Headline:

LinkedIn headline plays a significant role in improving your profile’s search. It is of extreme importance to optimize your profile, so that maximum number of prospective clients can see you. Text right below your profile picture is called headline, highly important component to brings attention at your profile. Creating targeted headline which defines your area of expertise would definitely make you shine through.

Write a Smart summary:

The about section of your profile is the place to add up your experience, hard skills, mission and motivation to people who view your profile. A few key words could be included to inspire the customer to search more about your talent and area of expertise. Ideally three to four paragraphs summary is considered good. Try to add approximately 1200 to 1500 characters in this space. End it with your email address.

URL Customization:

To get a higher ranking in Google, go for a customized URL. An easy to remember URL, can keep you connected with your clients most of the time. It could be anything between your first, last or middle name. Search for an appropriate URL, it will rank you higher on google search.

Focus on Featured Section Weekly:

Posting regularly on your LinkedIn Profile helps in establishing your brand. And today branding is the key to success. LinkedIn allows you to upload your own posts, or comment on other videos and pictures. Select the best content every week and post it in your featured section. It could be anything from a blog post to a case study, white paper, power point or smart link which could quickly/instantly grab the attention of your profile visitor.

Be Strategic in Expanding your Network:

One should be a little more assertive yet targeted in while expanding your LinkedIn. Check basic information about the potential contacts, and see posts share which might interest you or has something similar to your field of work.  It helps in initiating conversations and sharing experiences.

Keep Posting:

This actually refers to not leaving your profile idle for a longer period of time. If you do so, you will reduce chances of creating an influence on the people you want to promote your networking with. Your LinkedIn Profile can include the posts related to your skills or experience, but you can use this platform for launching ideas, discussions, building community etc. You must keep sharing interesting and engaging posts, three to four times a week.

Request Recommendations:

Asking for recommendations on your LinkedIn profile is a great way to increase the credibility of your profile. Stay genuine, your recommendations can help in improving higher the search ranking for your LinkedIn Profile. Moreover, recommendations given by the people with whom you have worked with, or have contributed positively in their business projects, your clients, colleagues, or your customers, who contribute in offering, are superb social proof of your great services. You can use recommendations in your posts too. It would be nice if in reciprocation you offer endorsements to their skills. Eventually, your target is to strengthen relationships!

Keywords Valuation:

It is all about keywords on the web. Search Engine Optimization depends on how effective you place your keywords in your LinkedIn Profile. Present your business and your services on LinkedIn with appropriate keywords. It improves search and boosts profile’s visibility. Search results matter a lot.

Improve Settings:

Influencers use Follow button. You can try that too. Simply switch your settings from the “connect” button to the “follow” button. LinkedIn has a limit for connections, but there is no limit on followers. Keep all visibility factors public. If you are on social media, what is the point in hiding your profile?

Your LinkedIn Profile is the most important social media branding tool. Ignoring it will not help. Try these suggestions, you will find great change in your branding on LinkedIn!

You can find several Free Tools for LinkedIn from this link. There is no secret, it is all about practicality. Standing out in a community of 800 million LinkedIn users should be the only focus while creating a Powerful LinkedIn Profile.