
14 Million Jobs available on LinkedIn

Do you want to tap into this pool of 14 million jobs available on LinkedIn?

Job seekers do you know that LinkedIn Workforce Confidence Index reflects a positive sentiment now?

If you lost your job due to COVID19, are you looking for opportunity and have not been successful, read this post.

And if you are a Canadian Immigrant or PR Holder, you must consider including LinkedIn Profile Revamping in your Job Search Strategy. No Limits on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has brought a great news for jobseekers. Recent survey suggests an improvement in job seeker’s confidence on job market.

According to LinkedIn’s survey, “The latest data from the LinkedIn Workforce Confidence Index shows there is growing confidence among job seekers. Specifically, they’re more confident than they were in April (2020) that they’ll be able to find work and get their finances in order.”

LinkedIn received this data during the period of 7th October and 20th October 2020. Around 2000 respondents of between the ages 18-74 participated. All of them lost jobs during COVID19. Also over 1000 HR professionals provided input to this survey.

Do you know that during pandemic, LinkedIn grew rapidly to 722 million users globally?

This global workforce is looking for various opportunities. Job seekers are looking for jobs, knowledge seekers are looking for learning tools and influencers and coaches are looking for followers.

Undoubtedly, LinkedIn is transforming its features rapidly to meet the growing demand.

Andrew Seamen, Editor at LinkedIn’s #Gethired informed me that LinkedIn has over 75 editors around the world who periodically release data in their regions. He also shared a link for this global data which can be found here.

The top ten trending jobs in Canada (according to LinkedIn Data):

  1. Software Engineer
  2. Project Manager
  3. Sales Person
  4. Customer Service Representative
  5. Teacher
  6. Account Manager
  7. Accountant
  8. Professor
  9. General Manager
  10. Graphic Designer

And top 10 trending skills for the Canadian job market are:

  1. Time Management
  2. Teaching
  3. JavaScript
  4. Project Planning
  5. Adobe Illustrator
  6. Account Management
  7. Curriculum Development
  8. Sales Management
  9. Financial Reporting
  10. Business Analysis

What is the first thing that comes to your mind?

Yes, REVAMPING your LinkedIn. Absolutely, one must consider in revamping and optimizing LinkedIn profile. That is the only way forward to hit more opportunities.

If your LinkedIn Profile is not getting views, there could be several factors for this dormancy.

As a LinkedIn Profile Optimization and Revamping Professional, I can certainly help you. Here is what I recommend:

Following few features must be fully optimized in accordance with LinkedIn’s recommendations and guidelines from LinkedIn Profile Optimization experts.

  1. Searchable Headline
  2. A high Resolution front looking image.
  3. Properly drafted About Summary
  4. And a powerful content strategy

Additionally, if you are open to work, consider adding that Green Frame on your photo. I originally was not too impressed with this feature. It appeared ugly, however, LinkedIn suggests that over three million users tried this Green Frame. Data shows that those who used it, have experienced an increase in InMails from recruiters. So go for it!

Interestingly, LinkedIn is now introducing a #Hiring Profile Photo Frame. That will help job seekers tap into the hidden job market. Also did you try to learn a new skill using LinkedIn’s free resources? If not, that is too bad. Over 13 million people learnt a new skill at least for FREE!

Remember, Learning Never ends on LinkedIn. Optimize your profile, increase your network, tap into new opportunities. Just having a profile does not work, you will have to move strategically to make your presence feel n LinkedIn.

Learn to use it and make an effective use of this great tool!

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