
3 reasons to engage a LinkedIn Coach

I get the question about the value a LinkedIn Coach can bring while revamping a LinkedIn profile.Your Success on LinkedIn

Best starting point is to ask yourself if you developed your LinkedIn profile for a specific reason, and did you achieve it?

As a LinkedIn Profile Branding and LinkedIn Coach, in my experience, most LinkedIn users create a profile without learning deeply about the dynamics of LinkedIn’s algorithm. I do not blame them. LinkedIn is secretive. You need to help yourself in expanding and increasing your network and to learn the tricks to index your LinkedIn profile in search.

Moreover, users need to understand that LinkedIn is not a simple socializing platform. It is a search engine and should be treated accordingly to reap phenomenal benefits.

I have already added some value to your existing knowledge about LinkedIn. Read the whole blog, you will find the reasons for engaging a LinkedIn Coach to optimize and brand your profile properly.

LinkedIn Coach Can add Value to your

LinkedIn Goals:

Your LinkedIn Profile should be treated as the foundation of your professional presence on social media. Like a flagship product among your other social media platforms. This is a place where your next potential career move can mature, or you may be able to generate interest from some angel investors for your startup!

If you have joined LinkedIn because everyone in your friend’s circle was doing so, you wanted not to be left out, the probability of your using it effectively is low. Like any other common LinkedIn user, you will have a profile, but it will never help you in your professional career. Over 780 million users, where your profile will stand, a question needs addressing!

LinkedIn Coach Can Help you with


For an average LinkedIn Profile, the biggest missing element is the branding. The blue backdrop provided by LinkedIn as a free space is often left as is. This is the place to showcase, to showoff and to create hook for your profile visitor. An image of CN Tower, or Washington Monument is good, but does it reflect your professional brand?

Perhaps not!

As a LinkedIn Coach, the first thing I develop is branding, because I understand the importance of branding in this whole scheme. Branding is a great hook for visitors on your profile.

A common user also creates a mix of certain information for profile. It can be anything from a job title, an image, information from current resume, etc. And the need to differentiate between a resume and a LinkedIn profile often forgotten. Considering space limitation, as a LinkedIn Consultant, I take the best content and create the best possible impact.

In a goal-setting session, I identify the target a client wants to achieve. Often client would say “my target is to find a job”. I dig deeper. As clear goals are set, targeting becomes easier.

LinkedIn Coach Can help you target your


Your LinkedIn profile is about you, but it is targeting outside of your profile. Therefore, your messages have to be carefully targeted in a certain way to attract attention from a wider community. Engaging content is one way to generate interest in your profile. LinkedIn’s algorithm loves engaging content. If you want to learn the art of creating engaging content, this article will help you achieve your goal.

Next is storytelling. It is a buzzword these days. LinkedIn Influencers with millions of following do only this day in day out. They have teams of content writers creating engaging content using the art of storytelling. People like this, if you cannot tell your story, no matter how great you may be, gaining attention in the crowd will remain a big challenge. This does not mean telling what you are not, but telling what you do the best by articulating your situation to create value for your reader. This sounds complex. I coach my clients on storytelling. With a bit of practice everyone can learn the art of storytelling on LinkedIn.

But how can you write an engaging story without knowing your target audience?

Only proper research reveals what your audience is looking at and engaging with. Producing tons of content that no one reads does not help. In simple words, a carefully crafted content strategy can lead to desired results!

Once you have a goal, you know your target audience, your stories will slowly start attracting views.

On LinkedIn, there is a lot of content, a lot of people to follow. Adapt a process, and continue with it. It will yield results. To get inspiration, select people and pages, follow and learn. The only focus in the beginning should be learning. Just like a toddler, learn to walk, learn to express yourself and learn to engage with a smile. All that helps in creating your social capital.

Once you have done the basics, now is the time to implement and monitor your progress. It is like starting a gym. It is not good to get overwhelmed. Slowly you gain strength to run an extra mile, or to lift two extra pound. Use the same principle. Consistency and relevance are two success factors to follow. As you master the art of engagement, you will see more people crawling on your profile, a word of caution, this takes time, nothing happens overnight!

Your success pyramid will be based on three factors, Aim, Implement and Achieve!

I hope you now understand how a LinkedIn Coach can create value in helping with your LinkedIn Profile Optimization and LinkedIn Branding. I will be happy to evaluate your needs!

LinkedIn Coach